Judgment and Decision Making, Consumer Technology Interaction, Choice Architecture & Sustainability
(click on title to download paper)
Trupia, M. G.+ & Engeler, I. The Paradox of Unexpected Time Savings: An Underused Resource to Boost Happiness. Under review at the Journal of Consumer Research.
John A. Howard / AMA Doctoral Dissertation Award 2023, honorable mention
Shiyao, N., Bajet, A., Martinez, R., Engeler, I., Müller-Trede, J., & Hafenbraedl, S. On the equal opportunity jerk “defense”: Rudeness complicates sexism attributions but backfires and increases punishment? Under Review at Psychological Science.
Trupia, M. G.,+ Mogilner, C., & Engeler, I. What’s Meant vs. Heard When Communicating Busyness. Under review at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
John A. Howard / AMA Doctoral Dissertation Award 2023, honorable mention
Engeler, I., & Häubl, G. (2021). Miscalibration in Predicting One’s Performance: Disentangling Misplacement and Misestimation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(4), 940-955.
Media Coverage: IESE Insight, Mirage News.
Engeler, I., & Barasz, K. (2021). From Mix-and-Match to Head-to-Toe: How Brand Combinations Affect Observer Trust. Journal of Consumer Research, 48(4), 562-585.
Rigor & Relevance Award, Swiss Academy of Marketing Science, honorable mention
Media Coverage: IESE Insight.
Engeler, I., & Raghubir, P. (2018), "Decomposing the Cross-Sex Misprediction Bias of Dating Behaviors: Do Men Overestimate or Women Underreport their Sexual Intentions?," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114 (1), 95-105.
Media Coverage: MetroMBA, Psychology Today, British Psychological Society News, Osterreichischer Rundfunk ORF, Modern Psykologi Sweden, Tagesanzeiger, Der Bund, Basler Zeitung.
Gloor, J., Bajet Mestre, E., Seong, M., Pham, H., Engeler, I., Brands, R. ‘Spin’ For More Professional Equity? Networking Across Diversity via Playful Sport. In preparation for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
AOM-MOC Phillips and Nadkarni Award for Outstanding Paper on Diversity and Cognition, finalist
Kettle, K., Engeler, I., & Häubl, G. Performance-Enhancing Social Contexts: When Sharing Predictions About One’s Performance is Motivating. In preparation for Journal of Consumer Research.
AI and Time, with A. Stan, A. Bernardino, M.G. Trupia
Mobile Financial Decision Making and Risk-Taking, with S. Tully and J. Müller-Trede
Effect of Price and Assortment on Meat Consumption, with J. Quoidbach, M. Jung, V. Lurkin
Interaction of Defaults and Discounts, with J. Quoidbach, M. Jung, Yilmaz, A.
Yılmaz, A., Engeler, I., Jung, M. (2024). Default Effects. In J. Gollenhofer, R. Hofstetter, & T. Tomczak (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior. Elgar, p. 139-142.
Trupia, M., Engeler, I., Mogilner, C. (2024). Time Poverty. In J. Gollenhofer, R. Hofstetter, & T. Tomczak (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior. Elgar, p. 304-307.
“The Paradox of Time Savings from Generative AI Tools”
University of Geneva, Switzerland, Management Seminar (September 2024)
IESE Business School, Spain, Marketing Seminar (July 2024)
University of Lausanne, Marketing Department Retreat (June 2024)
"How Generative AI can be Used to Understand and Address Customers."
Rotary, Mosnang, Switzerland (January 2024)
Marketing Day, Graubünden Tourism, Laax, Switzerland (October 2023)
"Mix-and-Match vs. Head-to-Toe: How Brand Combinations Affect Observer Inferences and Trust"
Singapore Management University, Singapore, Marketing Seminar (March 2022)
HEC Paris, France, Marketing Seminar (May 2021)
University of St.Gallen, Switzerland, Management Seminar (March 2021)
University of Lucerne, Switzerland, Management Seminar (December 2019)
IESE Business School, Spain, Marketing Camp (March 2019)
"Miscalibration in Predicting One’s Performance"
IE Business School, Spain, Judgment and Decision Making Seminar (May 2019)
ESADE Business School, Spain, Marketing Seminar (March 2019)
IESE Business School, Spain, Strategy Brown Bag (March 2019)
“I Run to be Fit, You Run for Fame: Leveraging Projection to Improve the Validity of Responses to Sensitive Consumption Motives”
University of Lugano, Switzerland, Marketing Seminar (March 2016)
University of Zurich, Switzerland, Management Seminar (December 2015)
University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Marketing Seminar (December 2015)
UCD Dublin, Ireland, Marketing Seminar (November 2015)
INSEAD Fontainebleau, France, Marketing Seminar (October 2015)
ESMT Berlin, Germany, Marketing Seminar (October 2015)
IESE Business School, Spain, Marketing Seminar (October 2015)
New York University, Marketing Brown Bag (March 2015).
University of Miami, Marketing Brown Bag (May 2014).
Panel Speaker "The Role of Consumer Insights for Business Growth," Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce Young Professional Committee and Swissnex New York, NY, USA (December 2014).
"Self-Regulation in High Ambition Contexts,"
New York University, Motivation Lab Brown Bag, Psychology Department (November 2014).
Keynote Speaker "Pricing under Pressure: How to Generate Revenue in the Present Context?," General Assembly, Private Selection Hotels, Arosa, Switzerland (April 2012).